Availing Tech Team Services

The FCN Tech Team works under the directions of the Convenor of the Fair Climate Network. Services of the Tech Team are therefore available only to Network Members.
However, since the FCN is an open and welcoming Network of grassroots NGOs who wish to tap carbon resources for the sustainable development of the poor, membership criteria and procedures are not written in stone. Grassroots NGOs who wish to be a part of the Network would normally interact other Network members, gain an understanding of CDM and carbon resources, learn about and attend a CDM Meeting — 7 such meetings have been held in the first 18 months of the inception of the Network in September 2007.
Once comfortable with fellow Network Members, they would begin exploring Climate Mitigation Project potential for the sustainable development of the poor they work with in their area of coverage. Services provided by the FCN Tech Team fall under three sequentially phased stages:
Assist to choose apt and implementable technologies chosen by grassroots NGOs that can be interpreted as Climate Mitigation Projects, and generate carbon offsets.
(applicable for grassroots NGOs who wish to explore Climate Mitigation Projects and carbon revenues as a strategy for pro-poor sustainable development)
A non refundable Consultancy Fee of ₹ 2,40,000 (Rupees two lakhs, forty thousand only) per NGO will be charged for PHASE I services.
Develop Project Design Documents (PDD's) and submit for registration under CDM, VER and/or Gold Standard.
(applicable for grassroots NGOs who decide to develop Climate Mitigation Projects)
A Consultancy Fee of ₹ 11,10,000 (Rupees eleven lakhs, ten thousand only) per PDD will be charged for PHASE II services.
Assist NGOs in developing NGO/CBO structures and systems for Project Implementation & putting Monitoring systems in place, as per registered PDD requirements.
(applicable for grassroots NGOs who have registered Climate Mitigation Project and identified a Carbon Financer)
A Consultancy Fee of ₹ 4,80,000 (Rupees four lakhs, eighty thousand only) will be charged for services provided for PHASE III services.
More details
Please click here to download a PDF document on Availing Tech Team Services.