What is the Tech Team?

The Fair Climate Network has a Tech Team with Specialists, Facilitators and support staff, in order to handhold grassroots NGOs through complex steps to prepare Climate Mitigation Projects and avail carbon revenue for the sustainable development of the rural poor.
The FCN Tech Team has a mandate to assist only pro-poor Climate Mitigation Projects undertaken by grassroots NGOs who have an intimate contact with the communities they work with, and have open, transparent and upfront Carbon Revenue Sharing Agreements with these families and communities.
Developing Energy Projects
Preparing Climate Mitigation Projects requires a thorough procedural understanding of various Standards and Methodologies, as well as scientific and technical skills to choose an apt and implementable technology, study its financial viability, develop the PDD and PIN, obtain Host Country Approval from the DNA, appoint a DOE, see through Validation and register with the UNFCCC, Gold Standard, VCS or any other Standard.
Projects are developed under the strictest international Standards to measure Carbon reductions and ensure that they are real, additional, measured and verified. Technologies being promoted include domestic Biogas, Photovoltaic Lamps, Fuel Efficient Woodstoves, Drinking Water Purification, Afforestation/Reforestation and Low Carbon Farming.
DoE and Carbon Investor approved digitized monitoring solutions that meet EB Standards have been developed for all the above technologies.
NGO Dynamics
Grassroots NGOs have to be weaned away from the charity delivery mode to one where Primary Stakeholders are encouraged to become petty entrepreneurs. For this, NGOs have to make a major mind shift and acquire skills to think and act in a New Age Business mode. Only then can these Climate Mitigation Projects be community owned and managed.
This is not an altruistic position taken by the FCN. It is an elementary business requirement for the success of long term operations that have to last for 10, 21 and 60 years, situated at thousands of scattered locations.
The NGO Dynamics team of the FCN assists grassroots NGOs assess strengths, challenges and opportunities, and develop capabilities. They also suggest a legal and accounting framework within which grassroots NGOs/CBOs can implement Climate Mitigation Projects and trade in Carbon Offsets.
Services will be provided through 3 sequentially phased stages as follows:
- 1st Phase
Assist to choose apt and implementable technologies chosen by grassroots NGOs that can be interpreted as Climate Mitigation Projects, and generate carbon offsets.
(applicable for grassroots NGOs who wish to explore Climate Mitigation Projects and carbon revenues as a strategy for pro-poor sustainable development).
- 2nd Phase
Develop Project Design Documents (PDD's) and submit for registration under CDM and/or Gold Standard and/or VCS.
(applicable for grassroots NGOs who decide to develop Climate Mitigation Projects).
- 3rd Phase
Assist NGOs in developing NGO/CBO structures and systems for Project Implementation & putting Monitoring systems in place, as per registered PDD requirements.
(applicable after the Carbon Financer has been identified for the registered Climate Mitigation Project)