FairClimateFund, the Netherlands

FairClimateFund is a social venture based in the Netherlands and founded by ICCO cooperation in 2009. We invest in climate projects in developing countries which produce carbon offsets after passing through globally recognized standards developed by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Gold Standard (GS) to fight anthropogenically caused climate change. To make a double impact, we only invest in fair traded carbon credits which need to produce transparent and measurable positive social impacts. Furthermore these projects are community based and owned.
In order to complete the carbon cycle, we provide carbon reduction advice to our clients, and advise to offset any emissions that cannot be viably reduced with our fair carbon credits. Each step can be customized to fit the needs of our clients and we strive to develop unique carbon solutions that match their particular CSR strategy.
Profits will be shared either with our project partners or the participating families and re-invested in similar projects. This model encourages the carbon markets to work for the poor and not the other way around. Currently FairClimateFund provided funding for carbon credit programs in India, Ethiopia and South Africa worth 7 million Euro’s and reducing 764.000 tonnes of CO2.
ICCO and FairClimateFund have a longstanding relationship with the FairClimate Network. FairClimateFund funded both the Bagepalli Coolie Sangha biogas program, that constructed 11,633 biogas units, and the Chulika program of JSMBT that installed over 36,000 clean cookstoves for 18,000 families. JSMBT is the second project in the world to achieve Fairtrade certification on top of CDM and Gold Standard. An innovative standard that provides a certified label to carbon credits projects and confirms the added value of the FairClimate approach. Additionally it provides additional income for climate adaptation activities through the Fairtrade premium and provides additional value to carbon credit buyers.